6. Dependence and Independence#
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Interactive Quiz About Balls in a Box
Interactive Quiz for the Monty Hall Problem
Links to Other Interactive Materials for Chapter 6
Section 6.1: Simulating and Counting Conditional Probabilities (interactive quizzes)
Section 6.2: Conditional Probability: Notation and Intuition (interactive quizzes)
Section 6.3: Formally Defining Conditional Probability (interactive quiz and flashcards)
Section 6.4: Relating Conditional and Unconditional Probabilities (interactive quiz)
Section 6.5: More on Simulating Conditional Probabilities (interactive quiz)
Section 6.6: Statistical Independence (multiple interactive quizzes and interactive flashcards)
Section 6.7: Conditional Probabilities and Independence in Fair Experiments (interactive quiz)
Section 6.8: Conditioning and (In)dependence (interactive quiz and flashcards)
Section 6.9: Chain Rules and Total Probability (multiple interactive quizzes and interactive flashcards)
Section 6.10: Chapter Summary (interactive quiz and interactive flashcards)